As my blue eyes scanned for someones name to pop up on my phone's bright screen that could talk to me out of my final decision, they didn't seem to fall upon anyone who would take any extra notice to help me out. I sent one to my best friend of seven years, a new fellow I had just met, my boyfriend at the moment, and a guy I used to like.
My heart was quick to jump into my throat when my A Rocket to the Moon ringtone blasted from my little Palm Pixi. I read the screen over carefully before pressing my talk button. "Hello?" was the only thing I could mutter, it was replied with a "What in God's name are you talking about? You're GORGEOUS!" Of course, I grinned and the butterflies quickly flew into my stomach. I let some breathing time flow between us before I really got to anything. The time we spent was cut short by a few impatient pleas and after the goodbyes were said, it didn't take long for my phone to give out its tell-tale sign of a text message.
I'll never forget what that boy said to me to make me change my mind, and I am so thankful to him for saving my life. Up until that night, I thought I was ugly, disgusting, and rather unpleasant to be with. He changed my mind and convinced me that any boy would be lucky to have me. I disagree slightly, but I would never tell him my thoughts to his face. It made such an impact on my life. I love him for that.
Now, if you may be wondering why I'm writing this, it's to show you that you're gorgeous. No matter what anyone says. Everyone has something special about them. I promise that you have something to be proud of. Always remember, your beautiful inside and out.
Love Your Body Peace Treaty--
JaiLynn Nelson.
There I am, where are you?